
Listed Buildings and Structures

Buildings and structures with special architectural or historic interest are listed by English Heritage, graded according to their importance (Grade I, II* or II).  

Separate Listed Building Consent is needed to alter, extend, carry out interior works to or demolish a listing building or any other structures or buildings within the grounds of the listed building.  This may include minor works and maintenance such as painting exterior doors / fixtures.  It is a criminal offence to carry out works requiring Listed Building Consent without first obtaining permission, and you could be required put the building back to the way it was. 

Emergency work can be carried out to a listed building without prior consent providing you can subsequently prove all of the following:

  • That the works were urgently necessary in the interest of safety or health or for the preservation of the building
  • It was not practical to secure public safety or health or preserve the building by works of repair or temporary support or shelter
  • That the work was limited to the minimum measures immediately necessary
  • That notice in writing justifying in detail the work was given to the Council as soon as reasonably practicable 

Advice for owners of listed buildings can be found on the English Heritage​ website, or on the Planning Portal.

The Council has produced a document compiling details relating to all buildings listed in Halton and their locations. An Interactive Map is also available. Please contact us for advice.

Conservation Areas

There are 10 Conservation Areas in Halton that have been designated for the value, appearance and character of their physical environment.

Tree Preservation Orders (TPO)

Trees and woodlands which contribute to the local environment can be protected by a Tree Preservation Order (TPO).  Trees in Conservation Areas have similar protection.  It is against the law to cut down or damage a protected tree.

You must give us notice and complete an application form if you plan to carry out any works to trees or woodland covered by a Tree Preservation Order. For trees in conservation areas, we must be given at least six weeks notice.

It is an offence to cut down or damage a protected tree.

Application for tree works

Online TPO map

Tree maintenance​