​Personal Search

Personal Search Online »

Instructions for Use

  1. Type address, postcode or street in search box
  2. Press enter or wait 5 seconds to search
  3. Click Address, Postcode or Street Required
  4. Click on relevant Property to obtain Planning History, Listed Building & Conservation Area Information
  5. TPO Information is available by clicking on Green TPO area indicated visually on map
  6. Highway Adoption information is indicated visually in Pink
  7. Ward and Parish information is available through the boundaries menu item

Please note: While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the information, this is a working copy of our adoption records and the information can be subject to change. We cannot guarantee that the information is 100% accurate as occasionally information may be missing.

Highway adoption data is an indication of length of adopted highway only (not including Public Rights of Way). This will generally include footways and associated verges.

S278 Roads up to date list 12/9/2024 with agreements in place

Fiddlers Ferry – New Junction

Sewell Street

Foundary lane

Halton Road Canal Walks

Lunts Heath Road – Miller Homes

HBC Fields