
Supported Living and Extra Care Housing​​

Across the borough a range of provision is available to support those people who wish to live independently but who may need additional support to do so because of their age, illness, disability or condition.

Supported Living and Extra Care Housing (sometimes called Assisted Living) offers an alternative to residential care or living with family. The person receives the help they need to be independent in their own home (either owned or rented under a tenancy).

Halton Supported Housing Network

Halton Borough Council runs the Halton Supported Housing Network, which is a supported living service for adults with complex needs. It provides care and support for people who have been assessed as requiring support on a day-to-day basis. The service supports up to 45 people to have their own tenancy across 17 properties within the Runcorn and Widnes area. Once the level of assessed need is established, staffing is arranged to enable people to live an ordinary life in the community either in their own tenancy or sharing with up to two others.

Vulnerable Adults Supported Accommodation

The Council works with Housing Associations and Registered Social Landlord to assure tenancies for vulnerable adults who require supported living arrangements. The Council commissions care and support within supported living settings across the borough to meet individual needs. Support is delivered by a number of commissioned providers, as well as the in-house service – Halton Supported Housing Network. Accommodation is generally within rented properties, but other housing options are available.

Overall, vulnerable adults supported accommodation provides housing for over 245 people within over90 properties and schemes across the borough. The accommodation includes shared tenancies, single occupancy properties and ‘own front door’ schemes where individuals will have their own self-contained flat within a larger accommodation setting.

Extra Care Housing

Extra Care offer independent living accommodation for older people (mainly over 55 years of age) with care and support needs, as assessed in-line with the Care Act 2014. Care is generally provided by Council’s commissioned Domiciliary Care providers.

Three extra care schemes are delivered by Halton Housing at Barkla Fields and Naughton Fields in Widnes and Hazlehurst in Runcorn. All schemes are mixed tenure, with rented and shared ownership properties. The other scheme is at Dorset Gardens, this is a fully rented scheme and provided by Riverside Housing.

If you think you or your family member would benefit from a supported living arrangement, please contact the Council to arrange for an initial assessment of your care and support needs

If you are interested in Extra Care Housing, please contact Halton Housing or Riverside directly or apply for any vacancies through ​Property Pool Plus.

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