Support for Carers

Caring for someone can be demanding so it is important to know about what support is out there to help you.

A carer is someone who looks after a relative or friend with a long-term illness, disability or additional daily support needs.

You may provide support on a daily basis or for just a few hours a week. Whatever your situation, help is available to support you in your caring role.

Under the Care Act 2014, carers are entitled to an assessment of their needs. If you are deemed to have eligible needs, you may be entitled to support from adult social care. Please see Eligibility for Care Services for more information and our Carers Information Booklet which details some of the support available to carers in Halton.

Halton Carers Centre can also provide support to help you manage your caring role. The Carers’ Centre is located at 62 Church Street, Runcorn, WA7 1LD. You can call the Centre on 01928 580182 or email

Halton Borough Council’s Prevention and Wellbeing Service hold fortnightly drop-in sessions at the Halton Carers Centre, Runcorn on a Tuesday from 10am to 2pm​.​

Carers Strategy

The all-age Carers Strategy aims to take a more joined-up and holistic approach to supporting carers in Halton. It describes areas for improvement based on the views of carers in Halton and links into national statutory guidance. Together, the Strategy and Delivery Plan set out our current position, the areas for improvement that we need to focus on over the next three years and the outcomes for individuals that we want to achieve.