Apr 26
LA/ Schools E-Circular 14 Monday 30 April 2018

Please note: the Local Authority has not undertaken any quality assurance checks on items relating to goods, services and training events submitted by external organisations in this section.  
If you have any problems opening the links please contact
  • SIMS Product Developments
  • Manchester Resilience Hub
  • Diversity of Religion and Belief
  • First World War Commemoration

SIMS Product Developments

Applies to-All Schools

Dear  Headteacher,
SIMS have produced a process that will enable schools to produce a report that sets out all the information in respect of data held for Pupil, Staff and Contacts.  This will cover your GDPR requirements to produce Subject Access Requests from SIMS .

The attached document outlined the process for you to follow  to produce the SAR SIMS report and gives examples of the reports.

The document also highlights CAPITA's current developments in enabling schools to comply with their GDPR Data Retention Polices and Data Deletion requirements and this will be included in the summer / autumn  release.  

If you have any queries please let me know.

Neil Grice | Senior SIMS Support Officer
SIMS and Office Support

Manchester Resilience Hub
 Applies to-All Schools
 Manchester Resilience Hub: Managing the anniversary of the Arena attack click on links before for more information
Click here
Click here
Click here
Click here

Diversity of Religion and Belief

Applies to-All School - Primary Headteachers, Religious Education Coordinators and Teachers of Religious Education in Primary schools

Please find attached a free 60-page PDF guidance and resource pack for primary schools in England and Wales on Diversity of Religion and Belief. 

also attached a copy of the summary

The pack aims to bring together relevant policy frameworks, academic research and good practice into a single document in order to provide schools with the tools to create an environment that recognises and values diversity of religion and belief, as well as deliver good quality Religious Education that promotes interfaith respect and understanding. It draws on expertise from across the sector, including from researchers, teaching professionals and educational organisations, and also provides signposts to helpful resources in the field. It has been designed to speak to the particular needs and circumstances of schools with more or less diverse pupil intakes, schools with or without a religious character, and schools located in urban or rural contexts.


External Items
First World War Commemoration
Applies to-All Schools  

Big Ideas is leading First World War commemoration programmes,

Click here to view more information



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