Please note: the Local Authority has not undertaken any quality assurance checks on items relating to goods, services and training events submitted by external organisations in this section.
Information Items
Work Force Privacy Notice for Schools - GDPR Compliant
Applies to - all
Status - External
Dear Colleague
Please see the attached updated Work Force Privacy Notice for Schools which is in line with the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulations.
here for more information
Many thanks
Peter Richmond
Divisional Manager - Service Improvement and Governance
Resources, ICT Services
Halton Borough Council
Municipal Building
External Items
Spring Term Resources
Applies to - RE
Coordinator/ EYFS Coordinator
Status - External
Dear Colleague,
Please find attached list of resources for Spring Term 2 Religious Education.
- Click here for the list of resources
- Click here for the booking form
These essential resources will link your RE to a variety of popular topics such as, New Life / New Beginnings, Babies and Baptism, Easter, Caring for our World, Special People.
These resources will also provide many opportunities to promote pupils' Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Development alongside cross curricular based RE.
As RE Coordinator/EYFS Coordinator we trust that you will find the attached useful.
These Spring resources will ensure that RE is fun for your pupils and easy for you.
We also attach our Spring Special Offer which offers a massive discount on the full set of traditional Muslim story resources which are perfect for topics associated with the natural world. We do hope you will be able to take advantage of this offer which is for a limited time only. We do understand the pressures on school budgets so hope this offer will help you to build up your RE resources for the benefit of yourselves and your pupils.
Best wishes,
Gill Vaisey
Books at Press
SACRE courses available
Applies to - RE Coordinator/ EYFS Coordinator
Status - External
Future training opportunities are now live on the LPDS.
LAT Blaylock supported by our RE consultants is running a series of 4 courses:
Lancashire SACRE wants to provide opportunities for teachers of RE in all our primary schools to:
- Understand the characteristics of good quality teaching, learning and assessment in RE for pupils aged 4-11.
- Experience the inspiration, depth and potential of RE through diverse learning methods and examples from many different religions and beliefs.
- Enable pupils aged 4-11 to enjoy and learn through links between RE and the expressive arts.
- Use the Agreed Syllabus effectively to set high standards and achieve good outcomes for all.
Day 1: Better RE: planning for effective lessons Pedagogy in action.
Day 2: Methods to make RE exciting for pupils and teachers.
Day 3: Assessment in RE.
Day 4: Pupil conference for Year 5.
Please see course references REL 304, REL305, REL306 and REL307 and follow the link below
here for more information
Best Wishes
Carol Hardman
Business Support Officer
Lancashire's School Improvement Service
Lancashire County Council
01257 516166