Jan 24
LA/ Schools E-Circular 04 Monday 29 January 2018

Please note: the Local Authority has not undertaken any quality assurance checks on items relating to goods, services and training events submitted by external organisations in this section.  
If you have any problems opening the links please contact
  1.  NQT/RQT Conference
  2.  Religious Education and Parent Power survey
  3. Safeguarding training
  4. Promoting Positive Mental Health & Wellbeing in our schools
  5. Snowdrop Walk
Information Items
 NQT/RQT Conference

Applies toHeadteachers, Newly Qualified Teachers (NQTs), NQT Coordinators, Recently Qualified Teachers  (RQTs) and CPD Leads in schools.


I would like to invite all Newly Qualified and Recently Qualified Teachers to the Joint Halton  & Warrington Spring NQT/RQT Conference.

The conference will take place in The Karalius Suite, Select Stadium on Wednesday 14th March 2018, 8.45am-4.00pm


The day will include an excellent selection of speakers with three workshops, Thinking Skills in a creative curriculum, Delivering the British Values Agenda through Cultural Education and Deeper Questioning.
There will be input from Senior Management Leads, this will be a day delegate package including refreshments throughout the day and hot lunch, for further details, prices and to book staff on please log onto www.myschoolservices.co.uk


Mark Higginbottom

Schools and Settings Improvement Officer

Halton LA NQT Coordinator

LA Officer to Halton SACRE

Education, Inclusion and Provision Department



Religious Education and Parent Power survey

 Applies to- Headteachers, Heads of Religious Education, Religious Education coordinators

David Lundie of Hope University and Paul Smalley of Edge Hill University are engaged in some research into the process of Parental Withdrawal from RE and Collective Worship.

Many teachers and RE co-ordinators will encounter parents wishing their children to be withdrawn from assemblies (Collective Worship), from RE classes, and sometimes from other parts of the curriculum for religious reasons. A short survey aims to understand this process, and how it is handled by schools across the country. It is hoped that the data will inform the RE Council Commission's report and policy recommendations.

To complete the survey, please go to: www.hope.ac.uk/resurvey

Mark Higginbottom

Schools and Settings Improvement Officer

Halton LA NQT Coordinator

LA Officer to Halton SACRE


Safeguarding training

Applies to-All schools

Pan Cheshire Harmful Practices Training: Forced Marriage, Honour Based Violence and Female Genital Mutilation

8th March 2018

The Village Suite, The Foundry Church, Lugsdale Road, Widnes

9.30 am – 1.00 pm

The course will provide a basic overview of the following:-

  1. Explain what these harmful practices are
  2. How to respond to a referral or disclosure of this nature
  3. Identify the needs in relation to a referral
  4. Signs and behaviours of victims and who to refer to for support

For more details and to book a place go to Halton Safeguarding Children Board website http://haltonsafeguarding.co.uk/training/

Applicants will be required to register with the HSCB online booking system if they have not already done so in order to book a place (please note this is an individual registration form and 1 place can be booked at a time).

Please note HSCB training is free to agencies that make a financial contribution to the Board of at least 15% and not for profit or voluntary organisations with a national turnover of less than £100,000 per annum.   For all other agencies there will be a charge of £50 per participant for this half day course, visit our charging policy for further details https://children.haltonsafeguarding.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/HALTON-SAFEGUARDING-CHILDREN-BOARD-TRAINING-CHARGING-POLICY-OCTOBER-2016.pdf

Dawn Lewis

Learning and Development Officer

Halton Safeguarding Children Board


Promoting Positive Mental Health & Wellbeing in our schools

Applies to-All headteachers

Our Headteacher Conference is coming up on 6 February and there is still time to secure a place.

The conference is open to all headteachers, governors and PSHE /Pastoral leads from Halton schools and will explore the importance of mental wellbeing, how staff wellbeing impacts on pupils, understanding mental health conditions, lesson plans and strategies and case studies from other areas of the UK

The event is taking place at Halton Stadium, Widnes on 6 February from 8.45am to 12 noon. Secure your place on Eventbrite: Or call 0300 029 0029


External Item

Snowdrop Walk

 Applies to-All Schools

Snowdrop Walk to raise funds for local charity

Click here to view details 

The popular Child Bereavement UK Snowdrop Walk will be held at Norton Priory in Runcorn on Sunday 18th February. The grounds, which are a popular tourist destination, will be open especially for this special annual event.

The Snowdrop Walk is a day to remember the babies and children who have died and the children who are bereaved each year. People will be able to plant a snowdrop in memory of someone special and wander the grounds, taking in the beautiful views.

Individual snowdrops will be available to purchase on the day and a nature trail will keep youngsters amused. Further activities and refreshments will be available throughout the day.

Child Bereavement UK in Cheshire, supports families when a baby or child of any age dies or is dying or when a child is facing bereavement.

The charity also trains professionals such as teachers and nurses, helping them to better understand and meet the needs of grieving families



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