Jan 11
LA/ Schools E-Circular 02 Monday 15 January 2018

Please note: the Local Authority has not undertaken any quality assurance checks on items relating to goods, services and training events submitted by external organisations in this section.  

If you have any problems opening the links please contact
Information Items 
Nurture Group Questionnaire
Applies to-All Schools
Click here to view questionnaire

( 0151 511 7213 – Internal 167213


Consultation on Special Provision Capital

 Applies to-All Schools

I have attached a further copy of the consultation document for your reference

Consultation on Special Provision Capital – Monday, 22nd January 2018

As you will be aware we are currently consulting with parent and carers, schools, colleges and early years settings as well as other stakeholders on the use of our allocation of Special Provision Capital.  In response to a number of queries we have received from parents we will be holding a consultation event at the Select  Stadium in Widnes on Monday, 22nd January 2018 at 10.00am until 12 and later at 6pm until 7.30pm.  Please can you let your parents and carers know and any staff who may be interested in attending.


Ann McIntyre

Operational Director
Education, Inclusion and Provision


Halton fostering

Applies to-All Schools

The Halton fostering team are recruiting new Foster Carers and are looking for applicants with basic "life skills" who want to apply.

 Halton offer a free, comprehensive training package to prospective Foster Carers along with generous allowances and benefits.

Contact the team to ask questions and gather information.  

Halton Fostering Team
0800 195 3175


External Items


Safer schools

Applies to-All Schools

Click here to view safer schools information

PC 3262 Amy Fletcher  Police Youth Engagement Co-ordinator
Safer Schools and Young Persons Partnership
Phone: 07717328509 | Email: amy.fletcher@cheshire.pnn.police.uk



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