| Please note: the Local Authority has not undertaken any quality assurance checks on items relating to goods, services and training events submitted by external organisations in this section. Information Items School Admission Arrangements Consultation – September 2019 Intake Applies to-All schools Dear Colleague, The Local Authority is consulting on its proposed admission arrangements and co-ordinated primary and secondary schemes for the September 2019 intake. The consultation document can be found on the Halton Borough Council website via the following link: Admissions
Consultation The consultation closes on Friday 17th November 2017 and anyone wishing to respond to the consultation should do so by emailing schooladmissions@halton.gov.uk Martin West Divisional Manager – Policy, Provision and Performance Halton Borough Council Education, Inclusion & Provision Department People Directorate Rutland House Runcorn WA7 2GW Tel: 0151 511 7386 Internal: 167386 Email: martin.west@halton.gov.uk
Information Item festive Pantomime Sleeping Beauty Applies to-All schools Click here to view School invite Click here to view booking form Click here to view poster Book early and get the best seats in the house for the Brindley Theatre’s annual festive Pantomime Sleeping Beauty starring Crissy Rock and Rebecca Lake. It's sure to have the usual spectacular scenery, dazzling costumes, hilarious jokes, singalong songs and fun for all the family. Sleeping Beauty runs from 11 December until 14 January. Schools performances are Monday 11 – Tuesday 19 December, Thursday 4 – Friday 12 January. If you would like more information, please contact Colette Butler on 0151 511 7836 or email colette.butler@halton.gov.uk |
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