Please note: the Local Authority has not undertaken any quality assurance checks on items relating to goods, services and training events submitted by external organisations in this section.
Information Items
School Teachers Pay and Conditions
LADO briefing sessions
Sexual Abuse Training
How will GDPR affect your school / academy
Provision for Children with Special Educational Needs
External Items
Information Items
School Teachers Pay and Conditions
Applies to all schools
Dear Colleague,
Please find attached a model pay policy for 2017/18.
Please see attached the pay and conditions document
The School Teachers Pay and Conditions Document places a statutory duty on schools and LA’s to have a pay policy in place that sets out the basis on which they determine teachers’ pay, and to establish procedures for determining appeals. This document has been produced as a model, which Governing Bodies may wish to adapt, and adopt, to fit the particular needs/circumstances of their school.
Also attached for information is the recently published statutory document that informs the structure of model pay policy.
In summary, for 2017/18 the main points are;
• A 2% uplift has been applied to the statutory minimum and maximum of the main pay range;
• A 1% uplift has been applied to the minima and maxima of all other pay ranges in the national framework (including Headteacher groups) and all allowances across pay ranges;
Except for teachers and leaders on the minima of their respective ranges or group ranges, school must determine – in accordance with their own pay policy – how to take account of the uplift to the national framework in making individual pay progression decisions.
Those schools who purchase the Payroll SLA from the Council’s HR service will have received a separate e-mail identifying how they will be supported to implement the new pay policy. If you DO NOT purchase HBC Payroll you must seek any advice and guidance from your Payroll provider direct
LADO briefing sessions
Applies to all schools
There are places still available on the two LADO briefing dates which are
Saturday 9th September 2017, 11am – 2pm (please note this is a Saturday so may be suitable for childminders/nursery staff)
Venue: The Venue Community Centre, The Lache, Chester and 13th September 2017, 10 – 1pm, The Stadium, Widnes
I would like to take the opportunity to highlight some positives of attending the LADO briefing sessions and the reason why it is so important;
- When inspected by your inspectorates the LADO is frequently contacted for information on compliance issues and strengths, the attendance at LADO training is highlighted as a strength.
- Due to the fact that provisions do not deal with LADO issues on a daily basis the training offers practical support and guidance on how to manage situations as they arise. The number of questions your practitioners ask after the event is of a high number and demonstrates the need for further information in this area.
- The information shared at LADO briefing events provides your front line staff and safeguarding leads with strategies for safer working environments and how to keep children and employees safe.
Whilst we understand time is precious the briefings are only 3 hours and support the safeguarding of children and your organisations.
Please take a moment to ask whether you can assure yourselves that those working with children and young people understand the implications and expectations of them when allegations about adults who work with children are made. Perhaps consider the following cases in doing so:
· Eunice Spry
· Paul Wilson
· Frank Beck
· Sally Brier
· Beverly Allit
· Michael Brewer
· Caroline Berriman
· Dale Bollinger
· Lauren Cox
Does your staff group understand the implications of restraint and can they tell the difference between restraint and assault? Recent training suggests that the staff group do not understand the LADO threshold, which leaves your organisations vulnerable as are the children you work with.
I therefore ask that you identify people within the organisation that can access the briefing session and would benefit from this. So far no health practitioners/police/voluntary groups/CSC have attended and very few nursery, fostering, schools and childminders have.
To book places follow this link to the Training page of the HSCB website:
Applicants will be required to register with the HSCB online booking system if they have not already done so in order to book a place (please note this is an individual registration form and 1 place can be booked at a time).
Dawn Lewis
Learning and Development Officer
Halton Safeguarding Children Board
2nd Floor, Rutland House
Halton Lea
Sexual Abuse Training
Applies to all schools
Various dates and venues
The course is designed to focus on adult sexual offending, and the impact of sexual abuse on the child victims, and Non-Offending Parent (NOP). The day will also explore risk factors that offer a hypothesis relating to target groups, pathways and grooming strategies, along with the application of research-based frameworks designed to assimilate the heterogeneity of sexual offending behaviours and characteristics.
On completion of this course, participants should have an understanding of:-
- The use of legislative and professional guidance that informs professional practice when working with children and young people exposed to CSA
- Explore best practice in Multi-agency working
- Recognise the importance of multi-agency working and responses to child sexual abuse
- Consider sexual offending dynamics and diversity from Paedophilia, Female offenders, Intra-familial Sexual Abuse to Internet Abuse
- Discuss and reflect on various grooming behaviours and pathways to sexually abuse children and young people
- Increase awareness and understanding of contemporary research on Adult perpetration of Child Sexual Abuse
- Myths and facts about child sexual abuse
- How sexual abuse can affect children and young people and the implications for their cognitive and emotional capacity and psychosocial development.
- Consider and explore signs and symptoms of sexual abuse
- The complexity of disclosure and why it is so difficult for a child to unveil details of their abuse
- Explore best practice in managing potential risk when there is reunification into the family
- Develop an understanding of the importance of Non-Offending Parents/Caregivers.
- Impact of sexual abuse and the impact on the child
- To identify when specialist advice, consultation or intervention is needed
- The importance of professional resilience and supervision.
For more details and to book a place go to Halton Safeguarding Children Board website
Applicants will be required to register with the HSCB online booking system if they have not already done so in order to book a place (please note this is an individual registration form and 1 place can be booked at a time).
Please note HSCB training is free to agencies that make a financial contribution to the Board of at least 15% and not for profit or voluntary organisations with a national turnover of less than £100,000 per annum. For all other agencies there will be a charge of £80 per participant for this full day course, visit our charging policy for further details
Dawn Lewis
Learning and Development Officer
Halton Safeguarding Children Board
2nd Floor, Rutland House
Halton Lea
How will GDPR affect your school / academy
Applies to all schools
The attached identifies issues schools and academies may need
to consider and action. On May 25 2018, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will come into force, replacing the existing Data Protection Act (DPA). It introduces many wide-ranging changes in the way companies and public-sector organisations need to store and manage customer data, as well as how they dispose of it once it's no longer needed.
Schools and academies are custodians of more information than ever before, from student and staff records to CCTV footage. So it's essential to understand the GDPR and what it means for your school / academy so you can be ready for the new regulations before they come into force.
At first glance, you might be forgiven for thinking that things hadn't changed that much, since the GDPR covers many of the same areas as the DPA. But there are important differences.
Peter Richmond
Divisional Manager - Service Improvement and Governance
Resources, ICT Services
Halton Borough Council
Municipal Building
Provision for Children with Special Educational Needs
Applies to all Headteachers
Click here to view attachment
Click here to view attachment
Click here to view attachment
Changes to Enhanced Provision Funding,
At the January 2017 School Forum meeting it was agreed that schools would have more flexibility when allocated enhanced provision funding. To ensure sustainability and support children and young people to be more independent, schools will not be required to use the funding just to employ teaching assistant support but can use any additional resource to access training and other support and/or purchase resources. It was also agreed that these arrangements would take effect in 2017/2018.
As you will read in the Terms of Reference for the panel, the Local Authority is seeking a Headteacher, or an Assistant/Deputy Head Teacher to chair the panel for one year. The panel will meet six times a year and the Chair will be advised by the Divisional Manager for Inclusion .We would also seek representation on the panel from the primary and secondary section. If you wish to consider volunteering for these positions, please contact Anita Parkinson, Divisional Manager for Inclusion.
Anita Parkinson
Divisional Manager for Inclusion
External Items
Manchester Resilience Hub
Applies to all schools
here to view attachment.
Halton play council
Applies to all schools
here to view attachment
Joyce Reilly
Halton Play Council
01928 574087- office line
07814297913- wk mobile